Omaha, the largest city in Nebraska

AlHadi Center previous  place 

​AlHadi Islamic Center in Omaha is a Non-profit organization that celebrates and practice that Islamic faith and Ahl Albayt teachings. We welcome those who want to connect, visit, and learn more about the organization,  Below is an excerpt of the organization's purpose from our Articles of Incorporation 

About Us

Alhadi Islamic Center in Omaha is the first and only center in the Omaha metro area for Muslims following following the teachings of the twelves Imams . While officially established in 2013 as a non-profit organization, its root go back to 2005-2006 where students from overseas were socially gathering and organizing events in a basement and then at apartments, club houses, and university halls. Since its inception, the center has grown in terms of members and programs inviting over 20 scholars Nationally and Internationally on a seasonal basis to participate at major events at the center. 

Al Hadi Islamic Center in Omaha